
Pollock is a strategic resource of the domestic fishery complex, which has many useful properties. The advantage of pollock fish products on the domestic market is its economic availability. In foreign markets, pollock products are part of the traditional cuisine of the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and other peoples. The export of pollock is an important source of achieving planned targets in terms of revenue from the export of fish products. For more than fifty years of industrial production of pollock in Russia, only in recent years has a positive marketing image of pollock begun to take shape on the part of consumers. At the same time, in the domestic market, the consumer prefers non-processed pollock, while it is advisable to send products with a high share of added value for export. The article presents the results of studies of consumer preferences at the time of making a decision to purchase pollock, as well as the results of a study of assortment preferences in the fish products market, with the determination of the share of pollock. Also, an element of scientific novelty of the material presented in the article is the analysis of the results of the work of enterprises - members of the association of pollock miners. Based on the share of profit in the volume of revenue, a rating of enterprises of the association in question was compiled, the article presents its first ten. As a result of practical value and scientific significance, the presented article highlights a scientifically based list of directions for the development of the Russian pollock market, developed through the application of a set of scientific approaches.

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