
Magnesium compounds are common in nature as solid rocks and solutions in waters. The article has been analyzed variety of technologies and methods of use of various kinds of raw magnesium compounds, scientific and technological achievements, the state of magnesium production and tech-nology. Magnesium and its oxide and hydroxide are the most important for industrial use of magnesi-um compounds used in the production of steel, heat-resistant ceramics and structures, in the produc-tion of rubber products, plastics with special fire-resistant properties, as well as in the chemical, pharmaceutical industries, in medicine, in the production of optics, phosphors, single crystals, heed for magnesium compounds, important for new industries, caused the emergence of new studies and technologies. Important in the purification technologies of raw materials and technical solutions of magnesium chloride is the possibility of using magnesium hydroxide as effective sorbent and develop-ing conditions for separating the sediment in a wide range of concentrations. The processes of alka-line hydrolysis of magnesium chloride and the formation of the precipitate of its hydroxide in a wide range of concentrations were studied. The kinetics of the process and the features of separating such a sorbent from the purified solution of magnesium salt are studied. It is shown that the use of the princi-ple of homogeneous precipitation of magnesium hydroxide, performed in the proposed technology, is a fairly efficient and simple solution compared to those known. The conditions and mathematical regu-larities for obtaining the precipitate of magnesium hydroxide with a high filtration coefficient have been determined, which makes it possible to program the properties of the precipitate of magnesium hydroxide, to optimize the production of high-purity solutions of magnesium chloride, its hydroxide and oxide from it. The results of studies may use in medicine, in the production of new pharmaceuti-cals, standard samples, matrix collectors-sorbents and standards for metrological support in re-search.

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