
The allantois liquid was investigated of treated with ultrasound (bу means of ultrasoпic apparatus at 400 W and 800 kiloherz) and infected with iпfluenza virus chick embryos for the determination of: рН, presence of ашinо acids and phosphatase activity. The bооd of the embriyos was studied for alkaline phosphatase. The livers and chorio-allantois membranеs of the same eшbryos were investigated for ribonucleic acid (RNA) and Desoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA). The results of the experiшeпts showed that: 1. The concentration iпdices of the hydrogen ions in the allantois fluids from treated with ultrasound and infected chick embryos vary between 5,5 and 6,0, whereas in those siшilarly treated but not infected - between 5,5 and 7,0. 2. The highest average index оf the acid plюsphatase in blооd is obtained in chick embryos treated with ultrasound оn the 7th day after incubation. 3. Difference between the infected and noninfected, treated with ultrasoundchick embryos as to amount of amino acids present in the allantoisliquids is not noted. 4. Ribonucleic acid in mg per cent R dry weight is higllest in the treatedwith ultrasound and infected chick embryos. 5. RNK in mg per cent R dry weight in the chorio-allantois membranes of chick embryos, treated with ultrasound оn the 10th day after incubation and not infected is higher as compared to that in the accordingly treated eшbryos оп the 9th day after incubation. 6. Desoxyribose nucleinic acid in mg per сепt dry weight from the liver is highest in the infected chick embryos, treated with ultrasound оn the 10th day. 7. DNA in the chorio-allantois membrаnеs in mg per сепt R dry weight from treated with ultrasouпd and not infected chick embryos is highest in those treated with ultrasonic waves on the 10th day.

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