
The creative potential of an individual is a complex structure that consists of emotional culture, genetically determined talents, broad general cultural erudition, worldview, imaginative thinking, and the ability to model various ways of creative activity. The priority task of higher education institutions of pedagogical orientation at the stage of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space is to train a new generation of teachers. The authors note that the problem of forming of creative potential has been partially considered in domestic and foreign studies. This contributed to the accumulation of some experience in developing the main provisions on this issue. Positively assessing the achievements of scientists, it should be noted to note that the problem of forming the creative potential of future teachers is still partially covered. The purpose of the article is to substantiate a model for the formation of creative potential and ensuring quality training of a creative choreographer teacher. In the article, the authors consider the importance of the creative potential of the future choreography teacher, the conditions of creating an educational environment that promotes creative activity of the individual. They define the role of creativity as a process based on the ability to generate original ideas and use non-standard ways of doing things. Analyze the process of teaching students of choreographic specialization, identify a number of effective forms of development and improvement of creative abilities, the essence of which is the formation of active activity, which results in the birth of new artistic values. The authors compare the methodology of collective creative activity with individual tasks of students, which is one of the main means of improving the quality of training of young specialists. The authors prove that the development of teacher's pedagogical creativity and the increase in the efficiency of the educational process depends on psychological and pedagogical conditions, correctly defined ways of development and realization of creative pedagogical activities and personal qualities of the teacher. The article also explores the aspects of forming the creative potential of a future potential of the future choreography teacher by means of folk-stage dance.

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