
In modern Russia, one of the trends in the development of society is the voluntary movement. The state is making significant efforts to support and develop this area. In 2017, on December 5, the Country officially celebrated the day of the volunteer (volunteer) for the first time, in the Russian Federation 2018 was declared the Year of the volunteer by the decree of the President of Russia V. V. Putin. Today, the main areas of volunteerism are helping children, the elderly, and the disabled. Volunteers are also engaged in garbage collection and gardening in their localities, raising funds for charity, providing free medical or legal assistance, and helping animals. Great attention is paid to the development of the non-profit sector as the basis of the volunteer movement and the mechanism of Patriotic education of citizens. Without a doubt, the education system cannot be left out. The task is to create a socially significant order for mass training of volunteer leaders who will be able to attract creative and thinking people to volunteering. This article presents a specific practical experience of organizing partnerships of educational institutions in the Kostroma municipal district of the Kostroma region. The article considers the forms of interaction between the pre-school «Generation», general education institutions, associations of additional education of the house of children's creativity, and the district administration, which gradually switched to programs based on volunteerism. The role and qualitative development of the children's voluntary organization «Generation» in the course of combining methodological, pedagogical, and material resources of all participants in social projects is shown. The author notes that the 17-year experience of such interaction allows us to draw a conclusion about the formation of high-quality results of social partnership in the development of volunteerism among children and young people: they are confident, ready to help, and understand the value of selfless work. The author comes to the conclusion that social partnership of educational organizations is an effective mechanism for including children and youth in voluntary activities.

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