
Abstract. Introduction. With the constant growth of the deficit in the financing of pension benefits and the real threat of the state's inability to guarantee pensions, the role of the private pension system is growing. The burden on the state pension system leads to an increase in the financial burden for individuals and legal entities, due to increased contributions to the state Pension Fund, which leads to a decrease in the amount of financial resources for the development of its activities. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the activities of private pension funds in the current socio-economic development of the country.Results. The effective functioning of the national economy depends on the level of financial security of various economic entities. With the help of mobilization of their funds there is an active distribution and redistribution of financial resources between different sectors of the economy. A developed system of financial institutions is needed to develop the process of accumulation of free money. They are the ones who transfer capital from those who have savings and those who need it. Among many types of financial institutions, private pension funds deserve considerable attention. Given the practical absence of a funded system of compulsory state pension insurance, as well as the insufficient level of funding for the solidarity system, they contribute to improving the economic well-being of the population. By concluding an agreement with the NPF, each citizen can determine the amount of future additional non-state pension benefits. Thus, without the effective functioning of the third level of the pension system, the financial security of the population in old age will be minimal, which will reduce the economic development of Ukraine as a whole. Conclusions. For the effective functioning of the NPF network in Ukraine it is necessary: - ensure transparency of NPF activities and increase protection of the rights of their participants; - to establish a fund for guaranteeing pension contributions of participants, which would return part of such contributions in case of bankruptcy of the selected NPF. This would increase public confidence in these financial institutions; - to improve and modernize the regulatory framework related to NPF risk management; - take measures to improve the financial literacy of the population and increase public interest in participating in the private pension system; - reduce the taxation of payments to NPF participants when they reach retirement age; - provide tax benefits for legal entities - founders of NPFs, with a significant number of participants; - to ensure the development of the financial market in Ukraine, which will expand the range of financial instruments in which NPFs can invest.

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