
The widespread use of fiber-reinforced concrete in construction is due to a number of their advantages. However, despite many years of research in this direction, scientists from different countries describe data obtained experimentally, the results of which differ. In some cases, the results obtained differ not only numerically, but also fundamentally. Basically, these are fibers of artificial origin, which are used for the manufacture of fiber-reinforced concrete. The most commonly used metal, polymer, basalt, glass fibers. To a lesser extent, carbon and polyamide fibers are used. It should be noted that the effectiveness of polyamide fiber is very doubtful, primarily because of the tendency of this type of fiber to swell. At present, the cost of carbon fiber is quite high, which is the main obstacle to its widespread use in concrete. Metal and glass fibers are subject to corrosion, and this adversely affects the properties of concrete. Since road and airfield concretes are used in aggressive conditions, these shortcomings do not allow the use of metal, glass, carbon and polyamide fibers in them. However, it follows from the analysis of the literature that the greatest controversy concerns the use of basalt and polypropylene fibers. The greatest controversy concerns the use of basalt and polypropylene fibers. There is no consensus which of these types of fiber is more effective for use in concrete. What amount of fiber should be introduced into the concrete mixture to achieve the maximum result is also unknown. This has led to the fact that basalt and polypropylene fibers are used very rarely in road and airfield concrete. The article presents an analysis of the results of the use of polypropylene and basalt fibers in concrete, obtained by researchers in different countries. The experimental data obtained by the authors are shown. The main attention is paid to the comparative efficiency of the use of these types of fibers. Strength, frost resistance and abrasion of road concrete are taken as criteria for evaluating the effectiveness. Quantitative intervals for the use of each type of fiber are established.

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