
Physical training of the SCES personnel of Ukraine is an integral component of their professional competence. Today, the readiness of the staff of the DKVS of Ukraine to perform various types of professional activities is directly related to their certain professional qualities, among which it is necessary to highlight such as physical endurance, adequate psychological response to various risk factors that arise in the process of performing official and professional tasks, the logic of actions and decision-making. The purpose of the article is a characteristic of the methodology of physical training of the perosnnel of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine in the field of skills formation for their practical actions during extreme, also combat, situations. The authors of the article justified the necessity of implementing a training method for the personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which combines combat, psychological and physical training during training, advanced training in the higher education system. The main physical exercises that contribute to the formation of the personnel’s readiness to apply elements of athletics when solving problems that arise in penitentiary institutions, confrontation with criminals or the enemy on the battlefield are presented. Conclusions. The proposed method of physical training of the personnel of the SCES of Ukraine, regarding the psychological and combat aspect in particular, contributes to increasing the effectiveness of training at all levels of obtaining higher education, retraining and upgrading the qualifications of personnel of various units in the direction of the formation of professional skills and abilities of a specific nature, significantly affects the level of readiness of personnel for actions in extreme situations, including combat ones. Key words: professional competence, physical training, methodology of physical training of the perosnnel of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, skills formation for practical actions during and combat extreme situations, readiness of personnel.

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