
The research was carried out in the fields of Povolzhsky research Institute of selection and seed farming named after P. N. Konstantinov in the laboratory of introduction, selection of feed and oilplants in 2016-2019. The soil of the experimental field is typical low-humic medium-sized light clay chernozem. The object of research was a variety of oilseed flax Kinelsky 2000, approved for use in the Middle Volga region. Agro-climatic conditions in the years of research during the growing season differed both in the amount of rainfalls from 74.3 mm in 2019 to 187.0 mm in 2017, and in the temperature conditions from 1776.50 C in 2017 to 2074.00 C in 2018, which allowed to determine objectively the productivity of oilseed flax. The article shows the results of studying the influence of meteorological conditions on the length of vegetation season, yield, oil content in seeds, oil collection per hectare, plant height, the number of capsules per plant, the number of seeds in a capsule and the weight of 1000 seeds. The correlation of the sum of active temperatures, rainfalls and hydrothermal factor (HTF) for the vegetation period with the main economically valuable characteristics of oilseed flax is established. Analyzing the data obtained, it can be concluded that the yield of oilseeds, plant height, number of seeds in the capsule and oil collection per hectare were significantly affected by the amount of rainfalls during the vegetation period and the HTF. The sum of active temperatures affected the length of the vegetation period and the number of capsules on the plant.

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