
Revolution of Dignity has caused ascension of civil society in Ukraine. During first years of post-revolutionary period civil organizations executed functions of the state which was extremely weakened under economic crisis and military intervention. But after the restoration of state institutions functioning, decline of civil activity has been revealed. Officials and politicians resort to pressure and discrimination against civic activists. Despite persecution of anti-corruption civic activists and increasing role of marginal organizations which are supported by the state, civil society develops and becomes more influential actor.After the Revolution of Dignity civic activity is aimed first of all at supporting the momentum of political reforms and the fight against corruption. This objective provokes lively interest from international partners of Ukraine, who consider success in the noted sphere as vital for the stability, democratization and economic development of the country. It is civic activity which plays a crucial role in overcoming corruption in Ukraine.Despite the formal support of the National Civil Society Development Strategy, the government has introduced new legislative measures that require anti-corruption organizations to provide additional information in their tax reporting. This may be seen as a mechanism for further pressure on civil society. Representatives of civil society are under pressure not only at the national, but regional level, and this creates additional risks. Despite the fact that the process of decentralization continues and decision-making powers are delegated to the local level, the capacity of local civil society remains rather small. There is a big gap between the potential of non-governmental organizations at the national and local levels. The small number of active civil society groups in the countryside and limited mechanisms for involving citizens into local governance leave open the question of the ability of civil society to be actively engaged in community development and control of power.

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