
The work under study comprises a comparative analysis of the semantic components of trade paroemias in two languages - Russian and Chinese. The research material is made up by proverbs and phraseological units taken from phraseological and explanatory dictionaries of the Russian and Chinese languages: Dictionary of the Russian language edited by A.P. Evgenieva [4], Dmitriev's explanatory dictionary, explanatory dictionary of the Russian language edited by D.N. Ushakov, 现 代 汉 语 词 典 (Russian dictionary of modern Chinese) (2005), 汉 语 大 词 典 (Rus. Big dictionary of Chinese), 辞 海 (Rus. "Sea of words") (2009). The research methodology is based on the dialectical method of cognition. When writing the work, the author used methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, analogy, generalization. The phraseological Foundation of the Russian and Chinese languages allows us to objectify various features of the discourse of a trade transaction, which are compared in the work of the software in terms of the value characteristics of the two linguistic cultures. Feature matching zones are found in the values: 1) greed to spend money (Rus. "shake over a penny", "for a penny to strangle yourself", Chinese. 一 yīgè qián liùgèzì (Rus. "count coins and images on them"), 抢 钱 虎 qiǎngqián hǔ (Rus. " tiger grabbing money”); 2) accordance of the price and quality of the product (Rus. "for what I bought, for what I sell", Chinese (Rus. "what is the price, such is the product"); 3) focus on your strengths (Rus. "to fill your price", Chinese. 卖力气 màilìqì "try your best", 好卖功 hǎomài gōng (Rus. "good selling skill"). Some phraseological units contain the opposite attitude to social realities in the compared languages. The Russian phraseological units include regret for the unwise spending of money ("someone's money cried", "spend as much as one kopeck") and the assumption of cheap sales in Chinese ( 贱 卖 不 赊 jiànmài bù shē (Rus. "sell cheap"); the desired price for the buyer in Russian "red price" is contrasted with lobbying the buyer's interests in Chinese (顾客之上 gùkè zhīshàng (Rus. "the buyer is always right"). The analysis of the Russian and Chinese proverbs, sayings, and paroemias with the meaning of ‘a trade deal’ allow us to conclude that Russian paroemias have more imaginary images than the Chinese ones, which are characterized by the borrowed images from the European culture. The figurative components of the Chinese and Russian trade proverbs are the concepts of honesty, decency, foresight, consistency, prudence, which possess positive connotations.

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