
Buddhism was introduced into China from the Eastern Han Dynasty , and after imput and imitation of Chinese Buddhism to the Three Kingdoms period of the first stage, it entered a rapid development, reform and gradually phase of chinese localization during the period of the Northern Dynasties and Tang Dynasty, until Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Buddhism has been completely localized. Development of Buddhism in China, in addition to its intrinsic reason that on the basis of the traditional Indian Buddhist thought, then adapt and adjust to local conditions of China, but also because of the extenal factors that after the Eastern Jin Dynasty it got the strong support of the rulers and the general public. Therefore, its rapid development can not only rival with Taoism, many times, it even pressure over the Taoism. It led that Buddhist stupa in the country as well as everywhere, and the level of the scale was constantly improved. a few can be compared with the palace buildings. Meanwhile all the monks and nuns who constantly expanding forces have received unprecedented growth. In the development process of the Buddhism, as the spread and interpretation medium of the Buddhist thought, Buddhist architecture and works of art played an irreplaceable important role. So Buddhist archaeological surveys, excavations and research have become an important part and branch of Chinese archaeology. Chinese Buddhist archaeology is an archaeology branch that study with the Buddhist relics. it is divided into two parts, cave temples, plains and mountain temple. Currently, Chinese Cave Temple archaeology research is comparatively systematic and independent. It also got a lot of rich results. But the flat and mountain temple ruins of archaeological research is relatively weak, it still needs further development and improvement. Although Chinese Buddhist archaeology have got great achievements. there are still many problems. Cave Temple partitions, staging still needs to be fully carried out. Relationships across regions and between regions within the cave temples and the comprehensive study of the cave temples are still relatively weak. There are many Buddhist relics that only be excavated of the layout. There are almost no Buddhist temple ruins that were completely excavated. The reports of the Buddhist archaeological sites is so rarely that it can not fulfill with the needs of researhers. Comparative Study of fragmented temple is not comprehensive enough. Buddhist sects and Buddhist temples in the form of relationship is not clear and its relationship with are Cities, towns, etc. are worth to explore. In recent years, more and more scholars are concerned and paying attention to the Buddhist archaeology.Surveys and excavations of the ruins began to increase.it greatly promoted the development of Buddhism-related archaeological research.Related researches become more sophisticated, systematic, and technological. It shows that the development of Chinese Buddhist archeology is incomparably great.

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