
The article considers one of the aspects of an integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of organizational (formal) leadership – the constructiveness of business interaction in management. The author considers the main types of influence in leadership based on the classification of K.Levin and common constructive and destructive models of business behavior (in the typology of S. Covey). The author suggests that following constructive types of influence and models of interaction will help to increase the effectiveness of the leader's influence on followers. 
 The article describes the author's interpretation of the methods of evaluating the constructiveness of the models of behavior of the head, their generalization into a single comprehensive methodology, the use of which will contribute to the improvement of communications at all levels of interaction in the organization.
 The author cites data from studies of constructiveness indicators of almost 500 managers of different levels of management and potential managers from among the personnel reserve. The data obtained allow us to draw conclusions about the main trends of leadership behavior of managers in modern Russian organizations and the importance of constructive business interaction in the formation of an individual leadership style. 
 The novelty of the research lies in the application of an integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of organizational leadership; in a broader interpretation of the concept of «leadership style», the dilution of the concepts of «leadership style» and «type of influence in leadership», the allocation of a special factor (characteristic) of leadership that affects the quality of managerial influence – «constructiveness of business interaction».

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