
Small business entities constitute a significant stratum of the national business entities (99.2% of all business entities in Ukraine). Stimulating the development of small business will contribute not only to improving the efficiency of the functioning of the national economy, but also to address a number of urgent social problems; first of all, the problem of unemployment through creation of new jobs and prevention of labor migration. The vast majority of theoretical and applied researches of the problem of small business development are focused on accounting and analysis of financial results, tax regulation and financial mechanism of their development. Apart from the attention of modern scientific thought there remains the question of substantiation of imperatives of development of national small business entities. The purpose of the article is to determine the imperatives of small business development in Ukraine to improve the efficiency of the national economy, to meet the needs of society and to increase the welfare of the population. The methodological basis of the article is the synthesis of results of fundamental and applied researches of domestic and foreign scientists. To obtain specific scientific results, the following methods were used: dialectical, analogies, graphical, economic-statistical and mathematical analysis. Structural and dynamic analysis of national small business entities is carried out and estimation of influence of innovations on activity and development of small business entities is performed. Innovative advantages in the context of positive qualitative changes are considered as an effective tool for increasing the competitiveness of small business entities. The social priorities of small business development are determined and the main problems of national social entrepreneurship are diagnosed. Particular attention is paid to the variability of the forms of social effect from implementation of social small business. The socio-economic consequences of the integration process of small business entities into European and the world space are researched. For the first time the imperatives of development of small business in Ukraine are formulated, namely: (i) identification of its innovative dominants, including justification of the priority innovation oriented structure of national small business entities by types of economic activity and individual regions and solving the problem of financial-credit and informational and consulting support of innovative oriented small business entities; (ii) formation of social priorities and the search for alternative sources of financing of economic activity of national small business entities, in particular, due to their integration into the European and world space, participation in programs of support of small and medium entrepreneurship initiated by the EU, joining the European network of enterprises and attraction of grant fund-raising funds.

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