
A power plant converts energy from a non-electric form to an electric one. Depending on the energy conversion, power plants are classified as minerals, nuclear, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and so on. The main goal is to perform this transformation as best as possible. Criteria of safety, efficiency, reliability and affordability are taken into account as benchmarks. The station consists of several units that generate and work together to meet electricity needs. For a fossil fuel power plant, each unit consists of three main components: a boiler, a turbine and a generator. The complexity of the operation is due to the variability of the load and high efficiency required in a wide range of operations. The main difficulties for the management task then arise due to the strong link between process variables and process nonlinearity. The purpose of this article is to analyze and develop a proposal for the introduction of artificial intelligence in the power industry of Ukraine. To achieve this goal, we will offer the following tasks: - analyze existing systems for the use of artificial intelligence in industry; - develop proposals for the introduction of artificial intelligence in the electricity system of Ukraine. In this study, methods of statistical, factorial, historical, comparative, logical, economic-mathematical and systems analysis, the method of expert assessments were used, which allowed to formulate proposals for the introduction of artificial intelligence in the power industry. Artificial neural networks are the first step towards a fundamentally new system of information analysis. They are mathematical and computer models that simulate the work of biological neurons, ie a system of interacting processes, built on the principle of connecting nerve cells of the human brain. It should be noted that they differ from conventional machine algorithms in the ability to learn, memorize and reproduce images, determine patterns, memorize and analyze information and obtain results. Output signals that arrive at the next processor and continue to be converted. Thus, artificial neurons form networks and layers in which connections are created, restored, maintained and destroyed by special signals. With regard to artificial intelligence, there is no generally accepted definition of artificial intelligence, therefore, by artificial intelligence we mean a machine system capable of learning using objective knowledge and experience, to solve creative problems like the human brain and inventive tasks, not going through options, build strategies and apply abstract concepts. Digitalization and artificial intelligence are penetrating most sectors of the economy, including the electricity sector. The digitalization of energy requires the development and widespread use of end-to-end technologies, including industrial Internet, components of robotics, wireless communications, artificial intelligence and others. Thus, artificial intelligence technologies have prospects for development. Of course, significant targeted funding is needed to achieve significant results. The interaction of research institutes and universities with business is very important, where artificial intelligence technologies are also being developed. Attention of the authorities and society, their understanding of the importance of the tasks facing countries to achieve the goal of implementing artificial intelligence. With regard to electricity, the integration of artificial intelligence into the industry will help optimize and increase efficiency in all aspects of energy production, transmission and consumption. It should be noted that the development of electricity is a step towards the development of other industries. That is why the transition to the digital industry is impossible without the digitalization and intellectualization of the power industry

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