
The sense-meaning problem as “the problem of Smysl” is relevant to the actual situation, to the modern philosophical culture. What is the reason for this rele­vance? What a request does it respond to, what a subject does it point to? The ar­ticle answers regarding the phenomenon of realism in general and so called “speculative realism” in particular. Realism in European philosophy of 20‒21 centuries is the expression of the need for “thing-Res”, for the unity of man and the world, for integrity, and the sign of this integrity is the idea of Smysl. The author of the article believes that the place of a lost “thing-in-itself” nowa­days can be taken by a special kind of “thing” such as Smysl, which belongs to linquistic reality. As the integrity it is able to justify, to indicate a ground for the philosophical knowledge. This can be clearly demonstrated by the language of Russian philosophy. The special being of this “thing” takes place in a philo­sophical text, its Smysl-meaning is always and rightly anticipated by the reader. However, this anticipation is not always realized, since under the influence of science and formatting, the philosophical text is forced to take the form of re­search, which often leads to an aberration of its meaning, intention, purpose and Smysl. European philosophy in its origin is entirely a meaningful dialogue, the essence of which can be lost in our times if we don’t revise the very goal of philosophical activity. We need to find the real Other as a participant of a real di­alogue, a Smysl-meaning communication. It can be a dialogue with the other phi­losophy, with the other philosophical culture, with the other logic of Smysl. There are a lot of materials for that, we can use and integrate the results of spe­cific researches – the framework of philosophical oriental studies,which is of very high level in Russia, has a long history and plenty of discoveries. The mean­ingful collaboration of the Russian professional philosophical community with orientalists is overdue, the problem of Smysl-meaning points to its relevance.

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