
In the article the problem of forming the future specialists’ subject competencies with the help of independent activity is revealed. The essence of the concept “the students’ independent activityˮ is specified as a kind of cognition, which is aimed at interiorization of the content of vocational training, formation of the future specialist’s competencies, development of his interest in the profession, aspiration for self-development. Among the whole system of subject competencies, linguistic, communicative, socio-cultural, psychological and pedagogical are the priorities. They synthesize the requirements for the possession of the theoretical block of linguistic disciplines (on the diachronical and synchronical development of language), the practical realization of this knowledge in communication, the social, historical and cultural peculiarities of the development of the countries, the creation of methods for teaching the languages in different types of educational institutions. The first stage of technology (educational-algorithmic) provids for the development of algorithms for the independent tasks’ implementation by the teacher, orientation of the student to obtain information (subjectively important), the material of a certain topic of discipline. The second stage (reproductive-synthesizing) aimed at cognitive independence, synthesis of the material of the disciplines of a certain cycle, formation of the system of professionally important knowledge, skills and experience (which form the basis of subject competencies) due to actions by analogy. The third stage (research and creative) is focused on students’ full cognitive independence, actualization of different cycles’ information, creation of objectively new information, the independent mastery of the subject competencies’ content. The technology of independent activity was implemented at the basis of the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University. 250 students took part in the experiment. Prior to the experiment, we proposed a test, which consisted of tasks that diagnosed linguistic, communicative, socio-cultural, psychological and pedagogical competencies. The analysis and systematization of the results of the future philologists’ testing showed that before the beginning of the experiment, a high level of the formation of subject competencies was found only in every fifth respondent (20%), an average level – in the majority of students (54%), a low level – almost every fourth (26%). The testing after the completion of the experimental activity showed a significant increase in the number of students with a high level of formation of subject competencies: a high level was found in 61% of students, an average level – at 39%, a low level – none of the respondents. The prospects of the study are to highlight the potential of research activity, information and communication technologies for teaching foreign languages in formation of the future teachers’ subject competencies. Key words : students’ independent activity, subject competencies, humanitarian specialties, technology.

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