
Development of theoretical and methodological basis for analysis of economic efficiency of regional landscape parks based on determining the level of capacity in terms of taking into account the interests and requests of visitors, seasonality factors and environmental and economic characteristics of the protected area. The proposed scientific and methodological approach to substantiation of the capacity of the regional landscape park is designed to use the theory of statistics, the law of normal distribution of random variables, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison, general and comparison. It is substantiated that the management of all protected areas has a positive effect on visitor issues, which provide growth sufficient for the financial stability of the economy, economic independence, self-sufficiency of RLP, and do not affect biodiversity in RLP. It is shown that the income of this enterprise is a justification for filling cash flows, which provides expanded reproduction of natural components of RLP in the territory, allows for self-financing measures to restore the natural resource potential of visitors in developing and implementing new services for tourist cars. It is concluded that in the aggregate the justification of the capacity becomes the basis for the development of strategic plans for the development of RLP and the strategy of socio-economic development of the region as a whole. The proposed author's methodology is based on seasonal factors, the level of demand for tourists and visitors in the consumption of services offered by the regional landscape park, the list of economic activities and the capacity of the protected area provide the maximum number of people visiting the park per unit time. Based on the results of practical use of the proposed methodology, the state and territorial economy can develop an effective strategy for socioeconomic development, increase the effectiveness of the current strategy and ensure the objectivity of management tools for planning and regulating economic activities of regional landscapes

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