
The methodological bases of correction of lexical component of speech of junior schoolchildren with severe speech disorders at reading lessons are considered in the article, the maintenance of the developed experimental technique is substantiated. The principles, directions, tasks of correction of lexical skills and abilities of junior schoolchildren are determined. The author analyzes the operations and stages of formation of reading skills in junior high school students. It is determined that lexical work is carried out at different stages of work with the text. The directions of correctional-preventive and developmental process aimed at improving lexical-semantic skills in junior schoolchildren in the conditions of inclusion are revealed, namely: formation of understanding and use of different meanings of words, formation of lexical system and organization of semantic fields, formation of understanding of lexical and lexico-stylistic means and methods of expressing the content of works of art. The author identifies and characterizes the tasks of lexical and semantic work that are implemented in reading lessons in primary school. It is established that the implementation of the outlined tasks is impossible without taking into account psychophysiological (taking into account the structure of the defect, use as a support for learning compensatory capabilities and structures of speech activity) and psychological and pedagogical (clarity, accessibility, consistency, systematicity, individual approach, corrective orientation of teaching and education) principles. Theoretical provisions that were the basis of the method of correction of the lexical side of speech in children of primary school age with severe speech disorders are revealed. The requirements for the selection of speech material for the correction of lexical and semantic skills in primary school children with severe speech disorders in the conditions of inclusion, namely its compliance with the program requirements of the section «Reading» in younger students with severe speech disorders, the presence of tokens in the area of actual or immediate development of the child, taking into account the availability, interests, main activities. It is noted that improving the effectiveness of remedial education of students of a certain category is impossible without taking into account age, level of intellectual development, students' ability to acquire knowledge, the ability to combine observation with their own experience. Key words: lexical abilities, lexical constituent, are junior schoolboys, heavy violations of broadcasting, correction.

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