
Some aspects of integration and professional training of applicants for higher pedagogical education in the specialties Preschool education and Primary education are analyzed in the article. In particular, the integration possibilities of the philological cycle disciplines are considered. Based on the analysis of current normative documents psychological and pedagogical scientific researches, discussion points and peculiarities of integration and professional training development of future pedagogical workers in Ukraine are outlined. In accordance with the latest educational regulatory framework, in order to create a viable system of continuous education, training and favorable conditions for the transition from one educational level to another, special attention needs to be paid to improving the integration and professional training of the future teacher of preschool children and elementary school teachers. The characteristics of integration processes in education, which was reflected in the development of a theoretical model for the future teacher of an integrative profile is generalized. On the basis of the analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, future teachers' main directions of integration and professional training of pre-school children and primary school teachers during the teaching the philological cycle disciplines are determined. The integrative possibilities of the named before disciplines with a professional direction and features of introduction integration approaches in the course of their teaching are revealed. Accordingly, the integrative possibilities of the named disciplines with a professional direction, and features of introduction of integration approaches in the course of their teaching are revealed. The appeal to the mentioned problem, allows to distinguish the main requirements introduction of the integration approach in the process of applicants' professional training of higher pedagogical education: the formation of the motivation basis activation for the readiness of future pedagogical specialists to ensure continuity between preschool and primary education, creating a special educational environment for integration and professional training future preschoolers and primary school teachers of higher pedagogical education, based on the principles of adaptability and integrity, and certain features of teaching the disciplines of the philological cycle are contributed. Keywords: integration, integration approach, integration and professional training, continuity, higher education students, p reschool education , p rimary education, discipline of the philological cycle.

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