
The article presents the concept of readiness of the convict’s personality for a law-abiding lifestyle, the provisions of which provide theoretical grounds for diagnosing such readiness and determining the system of psychological and pedagogical tasks for its formation in the correctional process. The concept provides a general understanding and the main components of the personality’s readiness for a law-abiding lifestyle; the spheres of life activity, in relation to which it should be formed; a system of psychological properties that form it, that are essential in determining law-abiding behavior and lifestyle in general. The author comes to the conclusion that the readiness of the convicted person to a law-abiding lifestyle is a system of psychological characteristics of the person, which act as internal prerequisites for the implementation of socially adapted life activities, preventing illegal acts. It is possible to distinguish three main components: 1) motivational-volitional attitude to lead a law-abiding lifestyle, which is the presence of desires to establish such a lifestyle, combined with volitional attitudes to implement them, observing self-discipline; 2) preparation for the legitimate solution of life’s problems, ensuring the satisfaction of their needs and legitimate interests as a system of evaluation and guidance ideas, labor and social knowledge, skills and abilities; 3) anti-criminal stability, which expresses the rejection of illegal ways of action and the ability to resist criminal influences and circumstances. The main areas of life, in relation to which it is necessary to form a readiness to act lawfully and be socially adapted, are: the sphere of material support of life; the sphere of interaction with other people; the sphere of performance of legally established duties; the sphere of leisure and entertainment. In relation to each area, it is necessary to form not only readiness for law-abiding behavior and solving life’s problems in a legal way, but also stability against committing illegal and deviant acts that carry the risk of committing such acts. The psychological essence of the convict’s readiness for a law-abiding lifestyle is a system of psychological characteristics of the personality that are essential in determining law-abiding life in conditions of freedom.

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