
The article examines the system of ensuring legality and law and order in the Security Service of Ukraine in the aspect of resisting military aggression. Modern scientific research and regulatory support of the specified issue were analyzed. It was established that the problems of the Security Service of Ukraine are actively discussed in scientific circles, but the system of ensuring legality and law and order in this Service did not become the subject of a separate scientific search. Conducting a study of ensuring law and order in the Security Service of Ukraine in the aspect of resisting military aggression made it possible to ascertain the existence of a whole system of tools, the use of which will ensure law and order in the Security Service of Ukraine in modern conditions. First of all, it is the use of digital tools in the activities of law enforcement agencies, which were introduced into the criminal procedural legislation after the start of the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine. In particular, it is the introduction of electronic copies of criminal proceedings materials, the use of video recording instead of the involvement of witnesses in the house search, the possibility of involving a lawyer with the help of digital technologies without his personal participation, the implementation of remote court proceedings, etc. Secondly, the implementation of the principles of criminal proceedings in the activities of the Security Service of Ukraine, in particular, the rule of law (Article 8 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), legality (Article 9 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), respect for human dignity (Article 11 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), ensuring the right to freedom and personal integrity (Article 12 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine) and other procedural principles. Thirdly, an effective means of ensuring the regime of law and order (or a tool for achieving law and order) in the Security Service of Ukraine is legal work with military personnel, employees, as well as conscripts.

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