
This literature review aims to provide an update on the problem of coronavirus infection in children. It covers specific features of the pathogens and ways of their transmission in children and focuses on the nuances of the clinical course. It also describes the approaches to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of seasonal coronavirus infections and COVID-19. Particular attention is paid to treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVIs), including seasonal coronavirus infections, during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic using Anaferon for children, a drug with an immune-mediated antiviral effect. The article provides the data on experimental and clinical evaluation of Anaferon efficacy in children with coronavirus infections. Experimental in vitro studies of Anaferon for children demonstrated its antiviral efficacy against highly pathogenic MERS-CoV. Clinical trials, including double-blind placebo-controlled RCTs, showed that the inclusion of Anaferon for children in the comprehensive therapy of seasonal coronavirus infections reduced the disease duration, mitigated symptoms, and decreased the incidence of nosocomial infections. These effects were associated with the modulating activity of Anaferon for children affecting both cellular and humoral immunity. The analysis of studies evaluating Anaferon for children allows us to recommend this drug for widespread use in the treatment and prevention of seasonal ARVIs, including those caused by coronaviruses during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Key words: Anaferon for children, treatment, coronavirus infection, prevention, COVID-19

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