
Statement of the problem. At the moment, there is a decrease in the value of motherhood and child in Russian society. In this regard, a wide range of practical studies on the psychology of motherhood are carried out in science. Researchers agree that the maternal sphere of personality and psychological readiness for motherhood is formed throughout ontogenesis, but the main emphasis is on working with pregnant women; there is also a number of studies conducted among adolescents. Girls of primary school age pass a number of important stages in the formation of the maternal sphere, while a modern family does not create necessary conditions for future successful motherhood of a girl and there are no specially organized appropriate psychological and pedagogical conditions. The purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of the maternal sphere of personality among girls of primary school age, to determine tpsychological and pedagogical conditions for successful formation of the maternal sphere of personality. Materials and methods. The methodology of the study consists of the concept of ontogenesis of the maternal need-motivation sphere by G. G. Filippova, the theory of psychological readiness for motherhood (E.V. Matveeva, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova), analysis and synthesis of research papers on the psychology of motherhood by Russian and international authors. Four diagnostic methods were applied: the projective technique “Family Drawing” (V.K. Loseva), the questionnaire “Analysis of Family Relations” (E.G. Eidemiller, V.V. Yustitsky), the questionnaire “Methodology for Identifying Children with Parents” (A.I. Zarov), the author’s questionnaire for mothers (reveals features of passing the stages of formation of the maternal sphere in a girl). The basis of the study was Gymnasium No. 5 and Lyceum No. 28 in Krasnoyarsk. The sample included 53 girls (8–10 years old) and their mothers. Research results. Indicators of the formation of the maternal sphere of personality in girls of primary school age according to the stages of its formation are presented. The maternal sphere of personality at this stage of age development is quite developed among 51 % of girls, it is relatively developed among 45,2 % and it is not developed enough among 3,8 %. A more favorable picture is observed in the formation of an operational block, which is formed among 83 % of the surveyed. The need-emotional block is formed among a slightly smaller number of girls – 77,3 %. The greatest difficulties were noted in the formation of the value-sense block, which is formed among 70 % of the sample. Of all the results obtained, it is especially alarming that in junior school age for 41,5 % of girls the most significant figure in the family is not mother and only 45,3 % of respondents are in a psychologically close relationship with their mother. Conclusion. Conclusions are made about the formation of the maternal sphere of personality in the junior school age. The obtained data make it possible to talk about various and coordinated types of activities of teachers, narrow school specialists to create psychological and pedagogical conditions necessary for successful formation of the maternal need-motivation sphere of personality.

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