
The social inequality as a phenomenon of social life, characterized by the manifestation of various forms of differentiation in the form of income, the availabil-ity of property, access to medical, educational, cul-tural goods, and the quality of meeting needs is considered in the article. Moreover, social differenti-ation is an integral part of any society. Given that modern society is characterized by a high degree of social polarization, a difference in property status, income level, and quality of satisfying needs, the state social policy should be aimed at increasing the well-being of individuals, satisfying their material, social and intellectual needs. At present, in the Rus-sian Federation, in order to ensure the growth of well-being of the population, the development of human potential, a General Agreement has been adopted between the all-Russian associations of trade unions, the all-Russian associations of em-ployers and the Government of the Russian Federa-tion for 2018–2020. Some aspects of this agreement are discussed in the article.

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