
The purpose of the article is to study the features of IT services as an object of international trade. The specificity of trade in services and their contribution to global trade and prospects in the real sector of the Ukrainian economy are investigated. The trade in services of Ukraine in recent years has a stable positive balance. Exports of services in the first half of 2020 amounted to $ 5371,000,000, imports - $ 2,359,000,000, a surplus of $ 3,012,000,000. This made it possible to cover losses from trade in goods, as a result, the foreign trade balance for six months turned out to be with a plus of $ 1,070,000,000. In particular, the pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of business processes in. The implementation of IT solutions brings tangible results both in business and at the state level. Among the leaders in implementation are all solutions that ensure the availability of processes from anywhere in the world: tools and systems for effective remote work, electronic external document flow, cloud services, e-commerce solutions, delivery services. Trends have already formed in the context of the pandemic situation. And the load on IT services has increased dramatically due to the need to adapt enterprise information systems for remote work. The IT services market is undergoing structural changes, symmetric changes in demand from key customers. Now the IT sector creates 4% of Ukraine's GDP, which does not yet seem to be a serious force that can pull Ukraine out of the economic crisis. Although, it remains one of the few industries and sources of export, which will not be seriously affected by the crisis It was revealed that in the first six months of 2020, profit from trade in services was provided by two main articles: transport services remained the leader, decreased by $ 2,338,000,000, and decreased by 22.5% compared to the first half of 2019, and IT services - $ 1.4 billion, increased by 16.6%. They together accounted for 70% of the income. It was determined that the technology sector is of strategic importance for the Ukrainian economy and can help create the image of Ukraine in this era of digital transformation. And even a global recession will not be able to interrupt the positive dynamics of the profitability of IT services in the international arena.

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