
Relevance During the operation of semiconductor converters and electrical installations (for example: ignition units, converters of ozonizers and gasdischarge lamps, energy facilities where corona discharge periodically occurs, etc.), an increased level of electromagnetic interference often occurs. Under these conditions, increased requirements for electromagnetic compatibility and galvanic isolation are imposed on power sources and information transmission devices. Similar questions sometimes arise when installing information equipment in the field, where it is not possible to connect the ground. Satisfaction of these requirements is possible when using parametric transformers (PT). At the same time, the operation of the PT is characterized by special requirements for their design and the choice of the main parameters of its elements due to the electromagnetic mode associated with the need to saturate the core and due to the occurrence of significant reactive power circulating in the PT along with active power. Due to the special field of application of PTs, as well as the complexity of the electromagnetic processes occurring in them, at present there are no generalized and sufficiently accurate methods for calculating PTs for practice. The well-known approximate methods for designing PTs affect only certain issues of choosing their parameters. Aim of research This article proposes the creation of a methodology for calculating the PT, which at the same time allows the design of a device not only to ensure electromagnetic compatibility, but also with the aim of further possibility of transition to optimization of the parameters obtained as a result of the calculation of the PT, as well as with the aim of further developing generalized methods for designing parametric electrical machines, which are also of particular interest. Research objects Parametric transformers, orthogonal magnetic systems. Research methods When developing a methodology for calculating parametric transformers, traditional research methods based on the classical theory of electrical and magnetic circuits were used. Results As a result of the work carried out, it was possible to create a methodology for calculating parametric transformers, which can be used in the design of special secondary power sources and other power conversion devices. The calculation algorithm and methods for calculating the main parameters of transformers of this type are determined.

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