
Urban parks are progressing but are in chaos in the twenty-first century. Therefore the purposes of this study are to consider critically and classify the new paradigm of urban parks. Urban parks are one of the space products, and progressing aspects can be divided into three parts; supply, demand and market aspects. In the abstract, urban parks' progress represents process, openness or voidness, general and cultural ecology, productivity, experience program, identity or sense of place, carriers of urban regeneration, urban infrastructure, community space, multi-layered activity, active space, communication with urban space, tool of low carbon strategy and consilience. But urban parks have come under increased criticism about the long period development on trees growth, covering open space, limitation of general and cultural ecology, production, activity programs, identity and community space, visible urban regeneration, economic validity, urban sprawl, not using as the low carbon strategy, and finally negative consilience with contiguous fields. We collected these critical consideration about progressing urban parks, and proposed urban agricultural park as one of the alternative urban parks. This is closely connected with sustainable region development, low-carbon society, local food, well-being, Lohas paradigm and amenity of urban life.

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