
Objective of the study is to consider the features of disciplinary practices in the field of studying foreign students in Russia in the context of their adaptation and integration to the multi-ethnic conditions of the host regional community and the university environment. The methodological basis of the research is based on the principles and provisions of an interdisciplinary approach, which assumes the possibility and prospects for the synthesis of accumulated scientific knowledge in a particular scientific field in order to form an integrated approach to the study of an urgent scientific problem, in this case related to the socio-cultural adaptation of migrant students. Research results allowed us to substantiate the point of view about the greatest methodological potential in studying the adaptation of foreign students in the multi-ethnic space of Russian regions and universities of a multidisciplinary approach, which, being at the junction of disciplinary practices, allows us to optimally integrate the accumulated knowledge in this subject field, formed in various fields and spheres of social and humanitarian science.   Prospects of the study are determined by the lack of independent sociological research carried out in the subject field, which actualizes the factor of polyethnicity in the adaptation of foreign students studying at Russian universities. The presence of separate storylines included in the general adaptation context of the problems related to foreign students in Russia does not remove from the scientific agenda the issue of conducting independent sociological research aimed at studying the barriers to adaptation and integration of foreign citizens studying at universities in multi-ethnic regions of Russia. This position is justified by the empirically confirmed facts of the influence of the ethnic/racial affiliation of foreign students on the difficulties of adaptation in the multi-ethnic environment of Russian universities and integration into the local regional community.  

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