
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of keywords and to analysis the structure of keyword network on leisure in newspaper articles. Social network analysis employing NetMiner was performed on leisure articles in national major daily newspapers from 2011 to 2015. The results are as follows. First, periodical leisure keyword has been changed dynamically. The keywords with high level of activity centrality are 40 hours per week, leisure, and workers in 2011, leisure, China, and leisure life in 2012, leisure, leports, and cycling race in 2013, ocean, rest time, and leisure in 2014, and finally leisure, MERS, and, ocean in 2015. Keywords with high level of medium centrality are leisure, 40 hours per week in 2011, leisure, culture, and Korean in 2012, leisure, sports, and outdoor in 2013, and finally leisure, free time, Seoul citizen, and MERS in 2015. Second, leisure keyword network for 5 years appeared in small group networks with grand group network. High appearance frequency keywords are leisure, free time, ocean, and leisure activities. Paired keywords with high concurrent appearance frequency are leisure and ocean, and leisure and MERS. Keywords for high level of centrality activity are leisure, free time, and ocean, and keywords for high medium centrality are leisure, free time, increasing, winter, and ocean. Also minor keywords for leisure showed distribution of inverse function linked with major keywords.

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