
Topical issues related to improving the quality of higher education and solving teaching-learning problems, aimed at providing a checking procedure of future specialists’ graphic literacy in the process of teaching graphic design are considered in this paper. Among the national tasks of providing specialists for various arears of professional activity, the improvement of higher education’s quality and practical training of competent staff capable for professional self-education is considered as one of priorities. Education is interpreted as a process and result of acquiring the system of knowledge and personality development. Sufficiently frequent updating of requirements to future specialists’ training because of practical implementation of information technology in all professional spheres makes actual the search for more efficient methodologies aimed at changing of professional competences. The development of graphic literacy as future specialists' professional competence is defined by the learning activity process signification. The specificity of graphic disciplines as result of the introduction of information technologies requires the development of an effective methodology to ensure the content of the educational process, changing the nature of expertise, knowledge and skills; forming competence as a special ability necessary to perform a particular action in the object-graphic area. In the modern process for learning of graphic courses the KOMPAS graphic program is widely used, along with Autocad, Archicad, Revit, and others. Further is interpreted the KOMPAS practical use in the process of preparation of future specialists for learning of graphic courses. The KOMPAS jumps out as the program allowing using information technologies in checking procedure of future specialists' graphic literacy. The features of generation in the KOMPAS graphic program are revealed, as well as the software application “Generator”, including an educational-methodical complex aimed at forming of the necessary competence, development of self-learning activities, checking of expertise, knowledge and skills on graphic courses.

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