
The purpose of the research is evaluation of modern taeniidae species diversity in the wild of Central Black Earth and their classification according to the hosts. Materials and methods . Materials of authentic helminthological researches are at a fundamental level of present work. Animals’ bodies have received in Voronezh Reserve and in cross-border regions (Voronezh and Lipetsk regions) in 2014–2017. Helminthological materials of Voronezh Reserve parasitological laboratory over 1985–2013 years have also been worked out by us. Helminths collection have been conducted from more than 200 wild and domestic carnivores belonging to 12 species (common fox, wolf, racoon-like dog, eurasian badger, true otter, common marten, beech-marten, polecat of steppe, eastern mink, weasel, domesticated dog, cat) have been conducted according to the methods of complete and fragmentary helminthological autopsy (Ivashkin et. al 1971) Tapeworms were immobilized in 70% ethanol. Morphology and taxonomical researches of helminths have been conducted using microscopes MBS-10, Motic-SMZ161 and Biomed-6 with digital video camera. Indicators, mongraphic works and specialized articles were used for taxonomical diagnostics of tapeworms. Existing taeniidae classification is correspond to modern taxonomical indexation (Gibson et al., 2014; Lavikainen, 2016). Such parameters as prevalence, infection intensity and abundance index were used for evaluation of quantitative indicator of hosts' degree of infection. Results and discussion . 9 species of Taeniidae were recorded in wild and domestic carnivores on experimental territory (Taenia hydatigena, T. pisiformis, T. martis, T. crassiceps, T. krabbei,T. polyacantha, Hydatigera taeniaeformis, Echinococcus multilocularis, E. granulosus) including 8 species were recorded in wild carnivores, 3 species were recorded in domestic carnivores. 2 species are common for these groups of hosts (T. crassiceps, H. taeniaeformis). T. hydatigena, H. taeniaeformis, E. multilocularis, E. granulosus. have an important epidemiological and epizootological value on the experimental territory. These species under Central Black Earth conditions classified as natural focal helminthosis agent.


  • 9 species of Taeniidae were recorded in wild and domestic carnivores on experimental territory (Taenia hydatigena, T. pisiformis, T. martis, T. crassiceps, T. krabbei,T. polyacantha, Hydatigera taeniaeformis, Echinococcus multilocularis, E. granulosus) including 8 species were recorded in wild carnivores, 3 species were recorded in domestic carnivores. 2 species are common for these groups of hosts (T. crassiceps, H. taeniaeformis)

  • T. hydatigena, H. taeniaeformis, E. multilocularis, E. granulosus. have an important epidemiological and epizootological value on the experimental territory. These species under Central Black Earth conditions classified as natural focal helminthosis agent

  • Общими для диких и домашних плотоядных являются 2 вида – T. crassiceps и H. taeniaeformis

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Тенииды диких и домашних плотоядных в Центральном Черноземье

Цель исследований: оценка современного видового разнообразия тениид в природных условиях Центрального Черноземья и их распределение по хозяевам. В основе данной работы лежат материалы оригинальных гельминтологических исследований. Сборы гельминтов проводили методами полных и фрагментарных гельминтологических вскрытий (Ивашкин и др., 1971) от более 200 особей диких и домашних хищных млекопитающих, принадлежащих к 12 видам (лисица обыкновенная, волк, собака енотовидная, барсук обыкновенный, выдра речная, куница лесная, куница каменная, хорь степной, норка американская, ласка, собака домашняя, кошка). Для таксономической диагностики цестод использовали определители, монографические работы и специализированные статьи. У диких и домашних плотоядных на исследуемой территории зарегистрировано 9 видов тениид (Taenia hydatigena, T. pisiformis, T. martis, T. crassiceps, T. krabbei, T. polyacantha, Hydatigera taeniaeformis, Echinococcus multilocularis, E. granulosus), в том числе у диких хищников выявлено 8 видов, у домашних плотоядных зарегистрировано 3 вида. Общими для этих групп хозяев являются 2 вида (T. crassiceps, H. taeniaeformis).

Materials and methods
Материалы и методы
Результаты и обсуждение
Тенииды домашних собаки и кошки в природных условиях Центрального Черноземья
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