
Some basic mainstreams of phenomenological hermeneutics’ further develop­ment in XX century’s philosophy, such as hermeneutics of the life-world (“late” E. Husserl’s and phenomenological sociology’s project), existential-phenomeno­logical hermeneutics as subjective ontology (M. Heidegger’s project) and “syn­thetic” post-structural hermeneutics of P. Ricœur have been presented in this pa­per. Phenomenological ideas of “early” E. Husserl presented in his “Logical Investigations” as well as transcendental-phenomenological project’s evolution into “Phenomenology of the Life-World” in the “late” Husserl’s works have also been examined in this paper. Ideal foundations of cognitive hermeneutics’ trans­formation into M. Heidegger’s subjective ontology Dasein project have been explicitly shown in the paper proposed. Philosophical preconditions of general­ization (and partly re-interpretation) some previous phenomenological herme­neutics’ achievements and constituting “synthetic” post-structural hermeneutics as interdisciplinary synthesis of phenomenology, post-structural linguistics and psychoanalysis have clearly been demonstrated. It has also been displayed to what extent some achievements of “synthetic” hermeneutics have been pro­ceeded in contemporary Russian humanitarians’ works.

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