
斯诺的名字在中国早已是家喻户晓,我们现在所熟知的一些关于毛泽东的事迹很多都是源于这个美国记者冒着生命危险,进入陕北,而获得的珍贵资料。在斯诺的笔下我们可以看到一个从小就个性鲜明,知识渊博,工作勤恳的伟大革命家形象的毛泽东。关于斯诺笔下的毛泽东这个话题很多学者都已经讨论过了,我决定利用斯诺为我们留下的珍贵墨迹,从毛泽东的个性出发去探索抗战时期毛泽东体现出来的尊严观。 The name of Snow is widely known in China. A lot of Mao Zedong’s life stories we are familiar with come from the precious documents collected by this American journalist, who risked his life to get access to the northern Shaanxi Province. In his records, the Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong is de-scribed as a great revolutionist who was knowledgeable, showed a distinctive personality since his earlier days, and remained hard working throughout his whole life. The topic of Mao Zedong in Snow’s writing has been discussed in many theses. With the valuable documents left by Snow, I decide to make a study on the dignity concept manifested by Chairman Mao over the Anti-Japanese War based on Mao Zedong’s personality.

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