
Science is the basis of civilization. Scientific research has always been and will be the driving force behind the development of society. In turn, the unpredictable curves of the world development tractor, the staggering variability of its system-forming elements, the unprecedented complex complexity create new challenges for scientists, such as: the invasion of artificial intelligence in management and economic processes, the formation of new social and psychological phenomena. , the emergence of hybrid threats to security and human development, etc. All this accelerates the evolutionary processes of development of society, causes its fracture, contributes to the modeling of subsequent "versions" of development, and thus creates new requirements for a new generation of scientists. Thus, the fundamental difference to overcome such challenges at present is the conduct of cross-disciplinary and multi-aspect research. This approach is chosen in the monograph "Development of society: social, economic and psychological aspects." The monograph focuses on the "soft" factors of society for many reasons, the most important of which is the significant vulnerability of social, psychological and economic aspects. In addition, the losses suffered by the development of society due to the weakness of these aspects are heterogeneous, bifurcation and difficult to cure. Thus, the key provisions of the monograph are focused on the formulation of new scientific hypotheses, the development of methods and tools for preventing and counteracting threats to the development of society and overcoming their consequences in the new reality. The first section of the monograph "Social and economic aspects of society" describes the criteria and indicators of the development strategy of the financial sector of Ukraine, reveals the specifics of financial support of tourism enterprises, analyzes the current state of banking services in Ukraine in the optimization of the banking system. Ukraine, identified trends and principles of the fourth industrial revolution and their projection on the formation of investment and innovation support of industrial development, studied employment in Ukraine: innovation, flexibility, security and assessed the behavioral competencies of project managers in modernizing socio-economic development of society. problems of leasing development in Ukraine, complex diagnostics of financial sector development: state, financial inclusion, vision and strategy of actions, global system effects are determined and mechanisms to counter economic shocks. The second section "Psychological aspects of society development" describes the professional tolerance of leaders as a factor in the development of educational organizations, explores the syndrome of emotional burnout in teachers: diagnosis and ways to overcome, reveals the professional success of teachers as a factor in improving higher education, formed corporate culture forms of ownership: active methods of staff training. The content of the third section "Humanitarian aspects of society development" is devoted to risk-oriented competencies of specialists of non-state security structures, formed a mechanism of state management of higher education institutions with financial control tools, proposed measures to optimize information and analytical support of economic security of higher education institutions. education. In the final, fourth chapter of the publication "Security aspects of business development" the levels of economic security of Ukraine in the conditions of world innovative development are analyzed, features of functioning of system of economic security of enterprises of construction branch are characterized, technologies of private detective activity as a tool of innovative development of economic security systems are investigated. unfair behavior of external stakeholders of the enterprise, considered security management counteraction to unfair behavior of external stakeholders of the enterprise, identified and systematized information and analytical support to counteract the raider takeover of joint stock companies, evaluated the effectiveness of personnel management system of the enterprise. The monograph was prepared in accordance with the research plan of the University "KROK" and aims to implement the topics: "Innovative mechanisms of integrated economic security in a crisis" (state registration number 0120U101880), "National economy and economies of sectoral markets in conditions of institutional uncertainty" ( state registration number 0120U100086), "Psychological problems of professional training and self-realization of specialists in various fields of practice" (state registration number 0116U007507), "Ensuring the protection of economic security of the state and economic entities in the context of European integration of Ukraine" (state registration number 0114U006338), performed within the thematic plan of basic research. The authors are sincerely grateful to all those who joined the review and discussion of the monograph, for the critical remarks and advice, the consideration of which allowed to significantly improve the quality of scientific work and crystallize the practical value.

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