
The article is devoted to the consideration of the legal nature of the institution of proof in civil proceedings and the compliance of national norms with international standards. The legislative definition of the concept of evidence, enshrined in the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, is analyzed and some features of evidence in foreign countries are considered. The authors note that in order to conduct an effective comparative analysis of the evidentiary procedure in Ukraine and abroad, it is advisable to study the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, as one of the main institutions whose jurisdiction extends to all member states of the Council of Europe and improve national legislation and bring it into line with international standards. It should be noted here that in all legal families the institution of proof is the cornerstone of justice. The development of legal systems was due to the systematic reform of procedural legislation, the creation of new models aimed at meeting the requirements of the time. The European Court of Human Rights, using the traditions and features of common and continental law, has repeatedly stated that the future position of the court in resolving this conflict between the parties and making a reasoned decision depends on the quality and completeness of the evidence presented. The recommendations contained in the court decisions reflect the progressive trends of both legal systems and are aimed at strengthening guarantees of justice at the national level. According to the authors, the foundations have already been laid for the formation of a new perception of the institution of evidence in Ukraine, as its reform took place taking into account European standards of civil proceedings and under the influence of global trends in this area. However, this process is currently incomplete and needs to be intensified with the need to develop clear criteria for assessing evidence at the level of national law, which would apply the court to the case, as is the case in the Anglo-Saxon legal system. The authors draw attention to the fact that today in Ukraine it is appropriate to introduce a "standard of proof" in civil proceedings, i.e. the use of a balance of probability to assess the circumstances of the case. The article also analyzes the gaps in the legislation on the issue raised in the topic of the work, in particular, offers proposals for improving the legal framework of Ukraine to improve the procedure of proof in civil proceedings.

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