
The article considers a stylometric model of systematic interpretation of authored lexical syntagmatics (lexical compatibility) in the classical prose of the 19th century. The article compares the achievements of classical lexicology and modern corpus linguistics and suggest bigrams, i. e. pairs of words used in a common phraseological context, as units of lexical syntagmatics to study texts of great volume. Besides, the articles formulates the requirements for lexical bigrams involved in the lexical-statistical comparison of different individual styles. The article provides examples of original bigrams that recur in different works of the same author over many creative years (e.g., oblokotit’ golovu [to lean a head on elbows] in the novels by L. N. Tolstoy). The problem of cataloguing and systematic interpretation of such recurring stylistic “particulars”, which the author may use deliberately or unconsciously, and the reader may or may not notice in different texts, is posed. On the basis of 19th century classical prose (the works of L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov, I. S. Turgenev and I. A. Goncharov), the authors perform a context lexico-statistical comparison of bigrams containing words frequently used by all authors (for example, chelovek/lyudi [person/people], golova [head], govorit’ [to speak], pervyy [first], vdrug [suddenly], dva [two], etc.) is studied. It is noted that each author can identify a different set of words appearing in the original contextual environment. The model of comparative analysis is examined in detail on the example of the contexts of words denoting a person: chelovek/lyudi [person/people], zhenshchina [woman] and rebenok/deti [child/children]. Such combinations as intelligentnyy chekovek [intelligent person], lenivyy chekovek [lazy person], imet’ uspekh u zhenshchin [to succeed with women], deti i vnuki [children and grandchildren] (A. P. Chekhov), nervicheskiy chelovek [nervous person] (I. S. Turgenev), poshchadit’ cheloveka [to spare a person] (F. M. Dostoevsky), kurchavyy chelovek [curly-haired person], nevysokaya zhenshchina [short woman], beremennaya zhenshchina [pregnant woman] (L. N. Tolstoy), zhenshchiny – sozdaniya (prekrasnye, nezhnye, slabye) [women are (beautiful, gentle, weak) creatures] (I. A. Goncharov) are small fragments of authored stylistic systems. The analysis reveals a striking difference between the syntagmatic characteristics of the works of different writers. Conclusions are made about a possible systematic presentation of the material in the form of an authored syntagmatic dictionary of the Russian prose of the 19th century.


  • The model of comparative analysis is examined in detail on the example of the contexts of words denoting a person: chelovek/lyudi [person/people], zhenshchina [woman] and rebenok/deti [child/children]

  • The analysis reveals a striking difference between the syntagmatic characteristics of the works of different writers

  • Conclusions are made about a possible systematic presentation of the material in the form of an authored syntagmatic dictionary of the Russian prose of the 19th century

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The model of comparative analysis is examined in detail on the example of the contexts of words denoting a person: chelovek/lyudi [person/people], zhenshchina [woman] and rebenok/deti [child/children]. В научный оборот введены термины «сочетаемость», «валентность» слова, а в сфере изучения изящной словесности употребляются конструкции «работа со словом», «особая» (или «нетипичная», «нестандартная») сочетаемость и даже легитимное «нарушение [привычной] сочетаемости» – см., например: [Володина 1998; Дуркина 2013; Мухин 2015; Степанова 1998; Яшина 2011]. Yu. Authored Lexical Syntagmatics in a Systematic Interpretation русского языка 2002].

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