
The article argues that training of elementary school teachers to develop legal competences of students needs both mastering new knowledge and skills as well as formation of a creative wish and ability to model their personal pedagogical activity. Referring to the analysis of creation of the models of different pedagogical systems, it is proposed to use a binary model, which involves the process of teachers’ training at higher educational establishments and their future professional activity. Pedagogical practice is the linking element of those two systems, when a student actually performs his/her professional functions in the real school conditions. The essential component of that model is the teacher’s readiness to conduct the activity, which is founded on a complex of theoretical knowledge and skills of a new quality level. The processual constituent of the model suggests a gradual organization of the students’ educational process, considering peculiarities of all stages of the multi-level pedagogical education, securing the heredity of setting and performing the didactic tasks according to the choice of the educational content, form, methods and instruments. The procedure should be based on the appropriate pedagogical fundaments, i.e. consistent training of a future teacher to take pedagogical practice in the elementary school; gradual pedagogical focus of the content of higher pedagogical education on the urgent solution of the problem of formation of the legal component of teachers’ training due to the interdisciplinary integration of pedagogical and specific subjects; sequence of the relations of the educational process of students at higher educational establishments and their future professional activity; focus of the educational process at higher educational establishments on principally different requirements to professional activity of a modern elementary school teacher; creation of a binary model of the elementary school teachers training to develop legal competences of students, considering a complex of theoretical knowledge and specific skills at the level of determination that secures the innovative search in the conditions of an elementary school; projecting of an appropriate social and educational sphere for the best-possible training of a future elementary school teacher. The work describes an example of that model application for the program of pedagogical assistance for a family by an elementary school teacher concerning the legal education of students (a system approach to the problem of pedagogical assistance on the issue of legal educating of children, improvement of the content and education at the elementary school referring to the traditions and legal values of the family; shaping and development of a system of collaboration during the classes with children, etc.)

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