
Psychological traumatization by combat experience includes: a general assessment of the unfavorability of the situation and the specific circumstances of the battle that create real danger and unfavorable social conditions. And although the event of trauma remains the starting point for the development of PTSR, an unfavorable social situation is the basis for forming a "vicious circle" by analogy with depression, which does not allow "getting out" of the situation of trauma.Resistance to psychological traumatization by combat experience has two components - actual and basic. Actual resistance to psychological traumatization by combat experience is provided by means of "actual work" with an extreme situation - copings, volitional self-regulation, self-control, etc. Basic - relates to the intellectual, emotional, volitional basic features of the person (based on values, intellect, temperament). The basic resistance to psychological traumatization by combat experience sets the framework for realizing the actual resistance to psychological traumatization by combat experience.Formation of resistance to psychological traumatization by combat experience (as well as other abilities) has its stages: from the formal assimilation of norms of interaction and methods of action, to checking them on practice for verity and formation of "masterliness". This formation is carried out in two ways - through the group experience of servicemen and through adapting their own experience to overcome extreme situations. Defects in the formation of resistance to psychological traumatization by combat experience become the basis for the formation of signs of PTSD. Practice proves the effectiveness of the first way of forming resistance to psychological traumatization by combat experience.Resistance to psychological traumatization by combat experience is a separate (private) case for realization of a model of psychological security of the individual. The conducted research allowed to realize further differentiation of the model of psychological security of the individual, highlighting in it the governing and energetic systems.The energetic system is the implementation of the situation, in which joining of a separate motive to the actual motivation, and further, joining their own goals to the goals of their social group (identification with the group), and next to the goals of society (identification with the mission of the group) provides an inflow of energy to them.Under conditions of danger, the governing system initiates the verification of the work of the technical system - in the first two components the enhancement of reflection allows more "attentively" work with the objective circumstances of the situation and their reflection in the mind; in the third component caused by "touching to death" revision of the value-semantic sphere "shifts" "I" from the past zone of "comfort", which provides the person with post-traumatic growth (transition to a new level of personality development). Supplementation the model of "psychological security of personality" in the social development situation "forms the continuation" of the changes that occur with the person which experienced the extreme situation - the transition "I" to a new level (as a result of post-traumatic growth) leads to the fact that the person ceases to meet the old social situation development and, accordingly, to breaking the old and building new relationships with the social environment, to form a new social development situation. And, indeed, people who have experienced post-traumatic growth can change their relationships with the environment, change their environment, their work, etc.

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