
The article deals with the peculiarities of digital competence of managers, the principles of the formation of digital competence, and the same: the principle of system city, continuity, activity, self-development. To expose the concept of digital literacy of the head of the educational institution. The main functions are distinguished: cognitive, developing, evaluative and adaptive. The most acceptable system is postgraduate pedagogical education, which, by its very nature and purpose, is capable of rapidly adapting to social changes and ensuring the process of teaching modern pedagogical technologies with the help of current INSTRUMENTS, which include Internet services. The listed and substantiated needs for the formation of the digital competency of the heads of institutions of general secondary education are listed. The essence of the concept of digital competence is revealed. The main aspects of digital competence are highlighted, namely: the existence of a fairly high level of functional literacy in the field of ICT, effective, well-founded application of digital technologies in educational activities and for solving professional tasks, understanding of digital technologies as the basis of a new paradigm in education aimed at the development of students as sub information society objects. And also, that the digital competence of the manager can be formed on three levels: general user, general pedagogical and subject-oriented. The analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources concerning the formation of digital competence of heads of institutions of general secondary education has been conducted. The components of digital competence of heads of institutions of general secondary education are formulated. The main ways of forming the digital competence of the head of educational institutions are identified, namely the method of teaching outside the workplace, in the workplace, mixed teaching methods. The analysis of the essence of non-formal education, as well as the feasibility of the use of the andragogical principles of adult education, is made possible to clarify and correct the filling of the main blocks of the methodology of forming the digital competency of the heads of educational institutions. The structural model of the method of forming the digital competence of the heads of educational institutions is developed.

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