
The purpose of the research is to describe the main features of the Hutsul dialect in the village of Roztoky Vyzhnytcia district Chernivtci region. This ancient dialect of Northern Bukovyna not been the specific topic yet. The material of the study was the author's recordings of dialect speech in the village of Roztoky in 2017. There were characterized the most important phonetic, morphological and syntactic features of spoken language manifested in spontaneous dialectal speech. Special attention was paid to ancient local features of dialect. There were described the word change of nominal parts of speech, morphological features of nouns, adjectives, numerals, dialectal forms of pronouns, peculiarities of dialectal conjugation too. Moreover, there was noted about the functioning of prepositional-noun constructions, reinforcing particles and exclamations, the frequent use of subordinate clauses, their stringing in the dialectal text. This research also emphasizes the isoglosses of the phenomena that separate the dialect from the neighboring Bukovyna dialects.

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