
Introduction. The solution of the level maintaining problem of blasting negative impact on the environment and protected objects within acceptable values while simultaneously increasing the volume and intensity of preparation of overburden by drilling and blasting lies in the field of improving methods and means, as well as optimizing the parameters of blasting, including by determining the optimal values of deceleration intervals during short-delayed blasting of overburden. Research methods and materials. To solve this problem, an algorithm was developed implemented in a software package that allows calculating the number of wells being blown up simultaneously; modeling and visually demonstrating the development of an explosion; calculating combinations of values of deceleration values of short-delayed blasting between rows of wells and between wells in a row; quantifying the quality of the found combination of values of deceleration values of short-delayed blasting and visually displaying how much the mass explosion proceeds uniformly in time, as well as the total duration of the explosion. Research results. The calculation of deceleration values combinations of short-delayed blasting between rows of wells and between wells in a row is performed depending on the number of rows of wells and the number of wells in a row for the selected number of wells exploding simultaneously. It is established that with an increase in the number of rows of wells, the number of points corresponding to a particular number of wells being blown up simultaneously (in the interval of 20 ms) decreases. At the same time, the sets of points corresponding to each next step of increasing the number of rows partially belong to the set of points corresponding to the previous step, and solutions for different values of the number of wells in a series with a constant number of rows are mutually exclusive. It is shown that with an increase in the values of the deceleration intervals, the quality of the solution increases in the case of a constant number of wells exploding simultaneously. Conclusion. The choice of optimal deceleration intervals during drilling and blasting operations is an effective way to control the seismic impact on protected objects. Increasing the deceleration to a value that ensures the formation of additional exposed surfaces is effective from the point of view of providing a complex effect as a result of an explosion, as a combination of the possibility of obtaining the required quality of rock crushing and reducing the seismic impact on protected objects. Resume. The developed algorithm, implemented in the software package, makes it possible to efficiently calculate the number of wells exploding simultaneously, find the optimal combination of values of deceleration values, quantify the quality of the found combination. For a more adequate assessment of the expected seismic impact, it is necessary to calculate the ratio of the duration of the period of non-maximum intensity of explosions to the total duration of explosions, expressed as a percentage. The larger the calculated value, the less seismic impact the explosion will have when comparing explosions with an equal number of wells exploding simultaneously.

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