
The focus of the educational process on the development of emotional intelligence, the tasks of the adaptation-play period, the possibility of reading lessons for the development of the emotional sphere of junior schoolchildren determined the relevance of the chosen topic. We understand the development of emotional intelligence of primary school children as a process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in the emotional and intellectual spheres of the child, aimed at the ability to express, understand their emotions, manage them, understand and influence the emotional state of others to establish friendly, tolerant relationships, success. Reading lessons have a special emotional atmosphere, give the opportunity to introduce the child to the complex world of human emotions, to observe and live a certain emotional state with the characters of works of art, at the same time, to express their emotions, understand their feelings. The basic reading skills of pupil of 1-2 grades concerning the development of emotional intelligence in reading lessons in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard of Primary Education are outlined. The conditions for the development of emotional intelligence of primary school students in reading lessons are given. The potential possibilities of the game as interactive have been identified; free, unforced, desirable; fascinating; open, figurative, expressive, creative activity of primary school students. The scheme of types of games for reading lessons and their influence on the development of components of emotional intelligence of junior schoolchildren is presented. Games that affect the development of emotional intelligence are characterized in accordance with its structural components: games that create a positive mood, relieve psychological stress in students; aimed at adequate expression of their own emotions, feelings, emotional response to reading and recognizing the emotions of others; focus on emotion management; help to master the techniques of interaction, communication, understanding of others, joint solution of the problem; use theatrical techniques, staging; aimed at expanding students' knowledge of emotions and feelings. Key words: game, emotional intelligence, development of emotional intelligence, reading lessons, junior schoolchildren.

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