
The article analyzes Ukraine’s position in a number of international rankings that determine the level of development of region and the quality of well-being of the population. Attention is paid to the analysis of the indicator of health level awareness, which is obtained within the framework of the survey of the opinion of the population of a particular country. A comparison of international welfare ratings by the presence or absence of a component of health in them when calculating the integral indicator is made. Statistical information on the values of this indicator in a number of countries of the European region and in Ukraine has been disclosed. The results of public surveys on the socio-economic situation of Ukrainian regions are presented. The level of health is chosen as a categorical factor, the dependence of which on certain factors is determined in the environment of the Statistica.10 software using the single-factor dispersion analysis alternately for the formed four groups of countries, which are ranked in accordance with the value of the self-conscious health level index. The analysis was conducted from the group of countries with the highest index value to the countries with the lowest values: the relationship between this indicator and the level of consumption of fruits and berries; the amount of organic farms and health care costs in the analyzed country. The statistical target relationship between the level of health awareness and healthy consumption among the population of the country is determined. For the «Number of organic farms» indicator, dependence is made only for groups of countries with lower positions in the health rating. With an increase in positions in the ratings, this factor is not indicative and does not affect the ranking itself. It is concluded that the behavior of the population, motivation for a healthy lifestyle are highly significant for the formation of a healthy environment in a region. The carried out bibliometric analysis identified further scientific developments of the author in determining the role of public health in forming the welfare of the region and the territorial brand.

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