
The problem of study. According to Strategy Partners and UNWTO the tourism and recreation area is defined as a most advantageous in terms of multiplier effect for the Region economically in comparison with sectors on processing of oil products, manufacture of machinery and equipment. It needs to find ways of strengthening the link and complimentary of an enterprise tourism and recreation area to maximize of multiplier effect for the region’s economies. And, at the same time, we have identified that inherent in domestic regional management reporting lines between administration and managed by a multitude of actors, fail to generate of effects in different layer production chain from forming to realize intersectional comprehensive tourist product, and therefore fail to ensure multiplier effect. This is due to lack of integral development of tourism and recreation area. However, the nature formation, such a model had not been taken up adequately in the scientific literature. The purpose of the article is to develop patterns of integration development of tourism and recreation area in focus advantages and prospects regional office.Methods. By the study process the following general scientific and specific methods used: comparative, structural, historical, system-based review techniques, sifting and interpreting and logical. The results of the study have led to the conclusion, with regard to disabilities of sectorial basis regional management of tourism and recreation area, it is gradually being replaced by Network principle. Network principle of regional management produces cluster formation, which, at its core are networks sectorial and cross-sectorial structures. Network principle of regional management of the tourism and recreation area is described by numerous integration processes, it is addressed to: - Support and encouragement integration structures, in particular on the structure regional market; sectorial and cross-sectorial structures; - Promotion of innovative integration structure, in other words, is aimed at knowledge production and innovation implementation armed of development competitiveness of disciplinary objects at the territorial level; - Promotion of investment activity, in direction development or renewal logistical basis in tourism and recreation area and job creation; - Specificity of integration processes, which are forming taking into account more challenging regional management. Prospects for further research consist of being able incorporating the results in the process of formation of the theoretical framework of management cluster development the tourism and recreation.

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