
Its demographic features are an acute problem for Ukraine today. Ukraine today is characterized by an aging population, demographic crisis, and a difficult demographic situation. In general, Ukraine is characterized by declining birth rates, rising mortality, a significant burden on the working-age population, an increase in the percentage of retirees over children and adolescents, a rapid increase in migration (especially abroad highly qualified professionals of working age). At the same time, a number of western regions of the country are characterized by a positive situation around demographic indicators. As well as positive dynamics with a demographic component is typical for the capital and centers of economic development. At the same time, such cities have a number of negative social problems. The grouping of regions of Ukraine by means of methods of ranks, clustering, and construction of maps of Kohonen’s self-organization on the basis of demographic indicators is carried out: birth rate; mortality rate; part of children and adolescents, persons of working age, persons of retirement age in the age structure of the population; the average age of the population; the demographic burden on the working population. As a result of research using these methods, the regions of Ukraine are grouped by demographic characteristics into 5 groups: the group characterized by the most favorable demographic situation, namely, the highest birth rates, high proportion of children and adolescents, people of working age, and the lowest mortality rates, middle age and the burden on the working population, a low proportion of retirees; a group of regions with high demographic indicators, which have a positive impact on the demographic situation in the regions, and, accordingly, low indicators of negative impact on the demographic component; a group characterized by average demographic values and the impact of adverse features on the demographic situation in the regions; regions characterized by relatively high mortality rates, the burden on the working population, middle age, a significant percentage of retirees and low birth rates, a small percentage of children and adolescents, which in turn has a negative impact on the demographic situation in the regions; territories in which there is a catastrophically unfavorable demographic situation. According to the current demographic situation in the regions of the country, it is necessary to change the features of the demographic policy in the regions of the country.

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