
Introduction. An important task for the sustainable economic development of Ukraine is to update the structure of the economy and strengthen of innovation . Services are amounted for more than half of the GDP of Ukraine. Global trend of services is going to grow in the future. The development of tourist and recreational services in Ukraine does not competitive for potential and growing needs of domestic and foreign consumers. Tourism and recreation policy are been a problem for intensification competitiveness of economy, level of employment and income. Purpose The research task - is to analy z e current trends in the tourism industry in Ukraine and in the world. Important task is to formulation of strategic objectives of the policy of f tourism clusters formation in the regions of Ukraine, determination of measures of anti-crisis regulation of the industry in the modern conditions. Result The features and advantages of the cluster model of tourism business organization are analyzed, the conclusions on the implementation of such a policy in foreign countries are generalized. The key tendencies of development of the tourist branch in Ukraine are investigated, the list of specific features of tourism in the regions of Ukraine is formulated, their positive and negative consequences, directions of overcoming of the specified restrictions are outlined. The necessity of providing macroeconomic conditions of effective cluster policy in the regions of Ukraine is substantiated, the tasks for strengthening the level of interaction and partnership in the branch are formulated. In this article was identified the main global challenges of the current economic and epidemiological situation, their impacting on the tourism industry in the international dimension. The biggest threats to the resumption of tourism in Ukraine are outlined, management measures are proposed to resume the development of the industry and the formation of tourism clusters in the regions. Originality The effectiveness of the policy of support for cluster initiatives in European countries is studied, the target priorities are identified: increasing the economic competitiveness of the cluster and its members; creation of a joint tourist brand; inclusion of tourism development in the regional strategy; stimulation of researches and innovations in creation of tourist packages, their marketing; inventory of events and traditions of the region; identification and promotion of routes and tours; improving the professional skills of tourism staff, etc. Trends in the development of tourism in Ukraine, in terms of inbound and outbound, analyzed the limitations of the competitiveness of domestic tourism. Possibilities of diversification of tourist services, in particular - prospects of tourist services for the purpose of leisure, rest, treatment are estimated. Changes in the regional policy of formation of tourist clusters under the influence of decentralization reform in Ukraine are determined. In this article was identified the measures and tools of a managerial direction, which was targeted for restoring and developing of the tourism industry in the post-crisis period. They are aimed on strengthening cluster’s policy. The necessity of changes in tax and organizational and economic support of tourism development, improvement of the national transport system and logistics, expansion of stimulating policy at the local level is substantiated. Conclusion The formation of effective tourism clusters is one of the tasks of regional policy. The cluster model of tourism development solves the range of important and related tasks. In addition to the main goal - the formation of competitive effective specialization of the territory, it provides cross-sectoral cooperation - government, business and community. The benefits of enhanced interaction are reduced transaction costs for cluster members; strengthening the responsibility of participants for the decisions they make in view of the close cooperation with cluster partners, which are also business partners; growing responsibility for building the economy of their own region and protecting the interests of their community. The practical consequences of the development of tourism clusters are the formation of a long-term development policy of the territory by justifying their strategic goals.

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