
The relevance of the study is substantiated by the importance of the development of students’ social and cultural competence as a component of professional foreign-language communicative competence in the training of future specialists of any profile in order to develop their ability for successful intercultural interaction. We reveal the peculiarity of the development of social and cultural skills of future specialists on the example of a research project. Research project based on the theme “Fashion. Business Fashion” is presented as an effective tool for learning foreign language culture at the value level, establishing direct links with foreign-language society, developing a secondary language personality, as well as the ability of students to explore, analyze and critically evaluate the language material with which they work in the process of learning a foreign language for special purposes. We determine the principles, on which the process of developing a student’s social and cultural skills is based, reveal the content and structure of social and cultural skills. The didactic potential of the topic “Fashion” for the development of social and cultural competence is substantiated. The stages of work on linguistic material of the topic are disclosed and the research steps of solving the problem are shown. The results obtained are of practical importance and can be used in solving pedagogical problems while preparing future bachelors for successful intercultural foreign language communication.

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