
Climatic and ecological environmental factors constitute the objective and subjective sides of
 life quality. The influence of weather and climate for health is very important. As the complex system is considered
 a model of 3-dimensional phase space, a box, inside of this is a quasi-attractor behavior parameters of meteo
 environment. The paper deals with the comparative analysis of the dynamics of meteorological factors of
 environment in the phase space of states in the framework of the theory of chaos and stochastic laws. The authors
 used their own program on the example of two territorial zones - an average strip of Russia and the Northern
 territory (n. Nizhnesortymsky Khanty-Ugra). It is important to note that the air temperature as an essential
 feature, it is practically not manifested itself in assessing the importance of parameters for Samara in contrast to
 Nizhnesortymsk. The used method allowed to determine the parameters of the order and to their ranking and to
 identify the most important characteristics in a comparative perspective the two territorial zones. It was postulated
 the equality between weather a climate parameters and cardio-vascular system parameter. It is postulated
 that the dynamics of meteorological parameters is similar to the dynamics of the cardiovascular system.

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