
The article emphasizes the need to combine the fundamental and applied components of the content of the General Physics course in the training of future physics teachers. It is emphasized that the modern stage of scientific and technical development of society places high demands on the intellectual potential of future teachers of physics, to possess their methodology of scientific research. It is established that the content of the discipline "General Physics" should reflect the current state of development and achievements of science, and students should have the latest methods of research, orientation skills in the flow of scientific information and use it to perform the tasks of professional activity. It is noted that in this context special attention deserves such field of physics as nanophysics. It is shown that a deeper acquaintance of students with the questions of nanophysics opens opportunities for modern interpretation of the material learned in the previous stages of study, to understand its real applied value in relation to the possibilities of their use in practice. The problems that arise during the formation of knowledge in the field of modern achievements in nanophysics in the future teachers of physics, among which the main problem is to ensure the unity of the fundamental and applied components of the content of the course of general physics. It is emphasized that scientific and methodological literature should be developed in order to popularize knowledge about the current state of nanotechnology development and research into the properties of nano-objects. Methodical approaches to acquaint future physics teachers with modern achievements of nanotechnologies and their use in various fields of science and technology are proposed. It is shown that the integration of nanotechnology into the general physics course helps students to understand the applied aspects of modern science and provides a scientific outlook, which contributes to the formation of a high level of professional competence of the future physics teacher. Key words: fundamental and applied components of the content of general physics course, future teachers of physics, nanophysics, nanotechnology.

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